
Tuesday, October 11, 2011

Apple Tree Art Idea

Here is an apple tree we made for our wall!
(This activity is appropriate for preschool-age children).

Before doing the art activity, we read a couple of library books about apple trees.

I prepared the tree ahead of time so it would be ready after we read the books.  I got a piece of green poster board from a dollar store.  I cut it into the shape of a cloud to be the top of the tree.  Then I cut open a paper grocery bag and cut out the shape of a tree trunk from that.

Next I cut an apple in half and then let the children take turns dipping the apple half into red paint and stamping it onto the tree.  We did this step with the green part of the tree lying flat on a table (not with it hung on the wall yet).  The kids loved "decorating" the tree with apples!

After letting it dry, I hung the tree on the wall with blue painter's tape (so it won't peel the paint off the wall when I remove it).

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